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Quality Independent games powered by your imagination.


Fox and Boar Games is the culmination of over 30 years of experience in game mastering, writing, and design. It was founded in 2023 to promote and publish John’s dark fantasy/sword and sorcery RPG Tales of the Harrowed Land. Since it has grown to include a broad range of games and game supplements that span multiple genres and styles.


Fox and Boar Games is dedicated to bringing you engaging, unique and most of all fun experiences to your table! 


But Fox and Boar Games isn’t just the creativity of one person. John - diverse, talented, and driven creative contributors and freelancers work to bring these visions to your game table.


What We Are About


Life is busy and time around the table goes by quickly.


Players shouldn't feel stuck or unclear on where to go next in the game so we work to craft unique and exciting experiences that challenge players and keep them coming back for more.


With a focus on quality, originality, and innovation, we strive to push the boundaries of what tabletop gaming can be so that players can walk away from a session feeling accomplished and ready to take on the next challenge.


We lead with creativity to create immersive and exciting worlds for players to explore. Our collaborators are made up of several talented writers, artists, and designers bringing their unique style, voice, and experience to every game world.


We offer a wide variety of immersive experiences and settings from the dinosaur-filled island of Saurendaupity to the harrowed lands of Asvarna. 


Storytelling is the heart of any RPG game. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where players can come together to share their passion for gaming and let the story unfold. Our goal to foster a strong community around table-top gaming is reflected in everything we do, from our game design to our live playtesting at conventions. Join us and become a part of the story!

Meet the Collaborators

Meet the founder

John Harford

Fox and Boar Games is a game and media production company from John R Harford – writer, artist and game content developer of over 30 years.

Above all of my other pursuits – creating worlds for players has been my lifelong passion.

With professional training and practical experience in writing, performance, game design, public speaking and poetic/literary narration you can be assured it will be a memorable, rewarding and fun!

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